Bouquet Mixed Flowers Shades Red, Green and others including Red Rose (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Basket of season flowers in shades of pink and white. (The basket and flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet de Rosas vermelhas, Hypericum e folhagens diversas em embalagem vermelha. (As flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Branch of Daisies / Country Malmequeres of assorted colors (at least 3 colors). The simplicity of nature. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Ramo c/ 5 Rosas Vermelhas, pé alto. (As Rosas utilizadas serão iguais à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Bouquet Flores Mistas Tons Amarelo, Branco e outras (As flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Basket of season flowers in shades of pink and white. (The basket and flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Linear composition of exotic flowers. (The base and flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Exotic flower bouquet + box of chocolates. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Basket of season mix flowers . (The basket and flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet of Colorful Mixed Flowers, which includes Red Roses, etc. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet c/ 9 Rosas Vermelhas e outras flores e elementos vermelhos + acessório Coração + Jarra. (As Rosas e Flores utilizadas serão iguais à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Bouquet Mixed Flowers on White, Yellow, Green, etc. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet of 3 Red Roses, long stem and a Teddy Bear (The Roses used will be the same as the image or as similar as possible within the flower currently available in store)
Bouquet of Mixed Flowers Shades Pink, Salmon etc + Jar. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet of Mixed Flowers Shades of florist choice+ Jar. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Round bouquet with 12 White Roses, long stemm. (The Roses used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Cesta de flores campestres em tons rosa, lilás, branco e outras. (A cesta e as flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Composition of 2 Plants of Orchid Phalaenopsis in white container. (The Orchid plants used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the available in store at the moment)
Bouquet of Colorful Mixed Flowers, which includes Red Roses, etc. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet of mixed flowers compact in various shades of pink, whith Orchid / Protea. (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Bouquet Mixed Flowers on White, Yellow, Green/ Blue, etc. in kraft packing (The flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Arranjo de flores Linear. Composição Linear de flores exóticas. (A base e as flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Bouquet of 15 Red Roses, long stemm. (The Roses used will be the same as the image or as similar as possible within the flower currently available in store)
Basket of indoor plants + heart. (The basket of plants used will be the same as the image or as similar as possible within the available in store at the moment)
Bouquet de Flores Mistas Colorido, em tons de Amarelo, Laranja, Verde, Branco, etc (As flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Ramo c/ 3 Rosas Vermelhas, pé alto. (As Rosas utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Flower Arrangement of season flowers in shades of pink and white. (Flowers used will be identical to the image or as similar as possible within the flower available in store at the moment)
Ramo Redondo c/ 12 Rosas Brancas, pé alto. (As Rosas utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Bouquet de flores mistas em tons de amarelo e laranja, (c/ Girassóis se disponíveis no momento em loja) tons de verão/ quentes. (As flores e embalagem utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)
Bouquet de Flores mistas da época em tons de Branco, incluindo Rosas. (As flores utilizadas serão idênticas à imagem ou o mais similar possível dentro da flor disponível em loja no momento)